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Consumer Dimensions 2024 is an exciting new annual report that examines how advertising reaches American consumers and profiles their changing demographic makeup.
Consumer Dimensions is divided into two chapters. Chapter One: How Advertising Works explores how ads work, how much time consumers devote to them, the realities of attentiveness, the effects of frequency, mindset targeting and ad-relevant cross-platform metrics. Chapter Two: Profiling the U.S. Population provides an extensive portrait of the changing demographics of the American consumer: the aging of America, how the work force has changed over the years, the racial/ethnic makeup of the population, and many other variables that have a bearing on how marketers define their targets. Many tables include long term trending and projections to provide a complete picture.
Published: December 2023; 182 pages
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CPMTrack tracks the average adult CPMs for linear TV in total, and by network type by daypart over the years, with comparable data for radio and consumer magazines. It is often referred to by those making forecasts of future media cost efficiencies. Includes for the first time AVOD/FAST and combined primetime upfront plus scatter CPMs. Due to fluctuations in data, we present this data rounded to whole numbers.
Published: October 2024; 16 pages
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JUST RELEASED! Total TV Dimensions 2025
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Total TV Dimensions covers all aspects of TV’s performance that’s of interest to advertisers, ad agencies and TV time sellers. In addition to the basics like growth in penetration, rise of alternative forms of TV, time spent, reach and frequency patterns, CPMs, etc., it covers audience engagement, viewer attentiveness, cross platform comparisons, evidence of ad impact, and many other subjects that subscribers will want to know more about.
Published: February 2025; 198 pages
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Over the years, Media Dynamics Inc. has been fighting the battle to include attentiveness in the media audience surveys, and in our thinking. More than ever before the role of attentiveness measures to obtain a realistic picture of audience attainment as a prelude to advertising impact is a dire necessity. Our media world is changing and we need to change with it. Business as usual just doesn't cut it any more.
With that in mind, this report briefly traces the evolution of TV attentiveness research, evaluates the current situation and looks to the future. We conclude with a call for a new kind of national TV rating service and an idea that might break the current log jam that is preventing the mass use of attentiveness in media planning, TV time buying and selling, and other equally important applications.
Publish date: November 2024; 23 pages
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UPFRONT TRACKER is designed to provide subscribers with ongoing trending of upfront spending and CPMs for adult viewers over the past three decades for the broadcast TV networks, cable and syndication, each by daypart. This report includes our first estimates for streaming’s newfront for major AVOD and FAST sellers. In addition, we provide a breakdown of CPMs and CPPs for the current upfront by the four network types and by sex and age. We hope that subscribers will find this new report helpful, and we welcome any suggestions for future editions.
2024-25 Published: October 2024; 15 pages
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